“Love Story” by Erich Segal


 Last night i went to my senior’s place,i was just having a chat until he offered me this  book.I must tell you all ,one of the best love stories ever written.a simple book just like its name ,the book potrays the two lovers in such emminent fashion that a common man can easily relate himself to it.It seemed me like a bollywood movie.

Man meets woman. They fall in love. They marry. They live a hard life and with the hard work they learn to survive. He graduates from college. He gets a good job. They move. They try to have kids. He finds out she has leukemia. She gets sicker and sicker. She finally dies and he reunites with his dad.

The story made me laugh ,cry,defined love n many things.Erich has beautifully carved the story on various phases  of life!

Boy-Oliver barett IV

Girl-Jenny Cavilleri

 Famous quote from this book “Love means never having to say you are sorry”, the author should have also mentioned that love also means never having to say “Thanks”…..

My advice to them who have still not read the book;grab a copy just now……Go through it to find the meaning of true,devoted and emotional love.

Till then arrivederci!!

Published in: on August 17, 2007 at 8:26 am  Comments (9)  

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9 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Awesome book! One of my favs from Erich

  2. hey ..i am waiting for an opurtunity to read that one..i am too busy reading other authors book…
    anyway i agree with u ..even my friends said the book is amazing

  3. Dude, in your enthusiasm, you have given away the whole story.

  4. hey, this is a fab book.
    see ya:)

  5. Thanks!

  6. this is a good book. but read only love by the same authot. Its umazing!

  7. I’m looking forward to buy this book..I’ve heard the story is so amazing.. ;D

  8. i had this book a few years back, it inspired me to write a book myself back then. I love it very much. Simple yes, but such a great story!

  9. i just read this book…yes it was intereating to read, but in my opinion, things developed too fast…

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